Three basics of the Blondeau method


Three basics of the Blondeau method

This video shows a thoroughbred filly during her 3rd day of breaking-in who is getting on well with her rider. 
There is no miracle, just 3 basics:   

1/  The horse has a know-how to learn, so use his intelligence, have an educational approach and treat him with care. 
2/  For the horse to understand what he must achieve, there must be consistency in what is asked of him.   
3/  To be consistent when mounted there is one golden rule:  to have good balance in order that movements and gestures are precise.   

When these basics are applied, the well-being of the horse becomes obvious!   

Watch the video:  Three basics of the Blondeau method"

Sophie Nicod - 22.11.2016

About the Author

Sophie Barreau, mission manager, ethologist, BFEE2 and BEES1 instructor, joined our team in October 2016.  Her tasks were to work on the research programme CHEVALEDUC with Jocelyne Porcher INRA and to teach student equine ethology as well as the scientific advances made in the relationship of man and horse at work. 

In the articles « Through Sophie’s eyes », she shares her passion with us.


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